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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sarah Palin and the SARAHPAC

According to The Fix the PAC has a website and a post office box in Arlington, Virginia but has not yet formally filed its incorporation papers with the Federal Election Commission. According to an official with Sarahpac, papers were filed last night around 5 pm with the FEC and the PAC should be official by later today.

Sarahpac is "dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation," according to a statement on the PAC's website. The PAC's mission statement also highlights the importance of energy independence to the future of the Republican Party and the country at-large, a signal that Palin's likely 2012 bid will have energy policy at its foundation.

Sarah Palin as my president I don't think so I'd rather have Hillary any day but I don't claim any party I just know what works best for my minimum wage dollar. Palin seems like the Nixon time of president if she ever gets close that is. She would probably have earmarks out of this word and it wouldn't be illegal if she does it either.
I think she would spend too much time shooting rifles and plotting to get people she didn't like taken out to the shelf ice. More power to a woman trying to reach for the stars but just like with the Barack Obama an Jessie Jackson, black people waited for the right one not the first one!

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