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Friday, January 23, 2009

Missile Attacks by the United Sates and President Obama?

The United states has been reported by CNN to have had dropped to missiles via drone plane. This is the first attack on terror by the new President Barack Obama. The Area where this happened was the upper right corner of the country and isn't heavily populated. The area is believed to still be a tribal area according to CNN. The U.S. is the only country operating in the region known to have the capability to launch missiles from the small, quiet and deadly drones, which are operated remotely.

The attack came just hours after the United States' top military officer, Adm. Michael Mullen, concluded talks with top Pakistani officials amid tensions between the two countries over the battle against terrorism.

Three houses were destroyed in the attacks, said eyewitness Mohammed Gulab Mahsud. Two drones flew over the homes for 40 minutes before unleashing two missiles each, Mahsud told CNN. The people in the homes were renting it and were believed to be foreigners -- Arabs and Uzbeks, Mahsud said.

This is our first attack on terror under our new administration however I feel this might be different it seems there is an awkwardness to it in a way. I'm not worried about his choices because he has a strong team but I don't know what extent I'll go for Change. Obama has my full support I have faith he'll get it right.

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