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Saturday, January 31, 2009

GushCrop isn't a Bad Stock! It's Ponzi

I didn't even know what a GushCrop was an hour ago but after some research I found that its an online seller for substance that one usually requires a prescription for.Most people already know that they need to be careful when dealing with things on the internet that you use a credit card for.
If somebody is promising free stuff and asking you for all details, it sounds like a deal that is too good to be true. Remember a lot of these things need prescription and cannot be bought by just anyone over the internet for free.

According to TechBynan.com they are suspected to be located in the United States, scandalous.Remember when buying stuff on the internet, since the transaction usually involves your credit card number,and other sensitive details like login/password. Remember that all sites use Secure Transmission Protocol. You can ensure the site you are dealing with is secure if it has https:// prefix. Generally its just http:// for regular browsing but when transactions are concerned and better security is paramount, there is the HTTPS protocol.

Times are hard but your not going to pretened to sell people medicine right or even making people believe that you can get this medicine for free. Scandalous people! I know there is a sucker born every minute and someone has to be there to capitalize, however some times I wonder if people even feel remorse for the things they do? Hey and for all the druggies that plans for the super bowl, serves yall right! Don't act like that S**t dont happen.....

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