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Monday, January 26, 2009

Octuplets! Wow that's alot of Dirty Diapers!

The six boys and two girls were delivered by Cesarean section in Los Angeles, California.The babies, who weighed in at between 1.8lbs (820g) and 3.4lbs each, are all said to be doing well. They were screaming and kicking around very vigorously, according to a doctor at the hospital in suburban Bell flower.

The mother, whose identity has not been revealed, has asked that limited information be released about the births. A hospital spokeswoman described the deliveries, which took place in the space of five minutes, as "truly amazing".

This is crazy wow how does the stomach look after this happens? well in America were pop in out babies while in Japan people are getting off earlier to procreate more. Total Opposites right? Maybe in America we should take a lesson from our far east or should I say close west. Maybe quality is much better than quantity, now this is still a great story.

I just want people to think about each child they have as 24 yrs each or teaching, giving, learning, and patience to the max. Children shouldn't be like getting the ten for ten at Lucy's, it should be more like going to barneys twice a week when you only make like 20,000 a year.This woman was only the second to have eight babies at once she a trooper!

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