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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is it Really Possible to DRY DROWN! YES, A ten yr. old boy did in South Carolina

Recent media reports concerning a 10-year-old boy from Goose Creek, S.C., who died several hours after being in a swimming pool have left many parents concerned about the risks of dry drowning and wondering how they can best protect their children from this health threat.

What is dry drowning?
According to Web MD, Dry drowning is basically drowning without water. With dry drowning, you are not drowning from an immediate immersion in water; it is more of a delayed effect of a small amount of water in the lungs. This can result in laryngospasms, which minimize the amount of water aspirated into the lungs. Respiratory arrest may follow, leading to an inadequate supply of oxygen in the blood, cardiac arrest, and eventually brain death.

Is dry drowning rare?
According to Web MD, Drowning is a huge problem. About 4,000 people drown each year and 1,400 of these are children. The CDC has no statistics on the number of dry drowning deaths.

1 comment:

WeeZ said...

Thanks for the post...Its always good to be aware of the dangers leaving your children unattended...and i wouldn't want to die from dry drowning either...sounds painful!

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