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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger on a solution to California's fiscal problems

The failure of state legislators to agree with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on a solution to California's fiscal problems has come back to bite them in their own wallets.

State Controller John Chiang has notified lawmakers that along with deferring the payment of tax refunds, college grants and aid to the poor, he is withholding the $173 a day that legislators get to help defray the expense of having a second home in the capital.

"We are delaying per diem and travel expenses to all state employees, including legislators," said Hallye Jordan, a spokeswoman for the controller. "It's not one of the payments required by the state Constitution, federal law or court order."

Chiang has delayed state payouts for at least February because the state treasury has run out of cash as the Legislature and governor struggle to fill a potential $42-billion budget gap projected for the next 17 months.

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