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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ashton Challenges CNN on Twitter? Really

The 31-year-old actor recently threw down the gauntlet, challenging CNN and its founder, Ted Turner. In a Web video posted earlier this week, Kutcher said he would ding-dong-ditch Turner's house if he beat CNN to 1 million. (For those unfamiliar with the classic adolescent prank, ding-dong-ditch is when you ring some one's doorbell and run away.)

"I find it astonishing that one person can actually have as big of a voice online as what an entire media company can on Twitter," Kutcher said in a video he posted on qik.com. "I just thought that was kind of an amazing comment on the state of our media."

Really is this news for us? this shit is really ridiculous! this guy barely has a TV show and is with a hot lady but is this worth talking about Ashton or is this some right wing way of distracting us from the real stuff huh right?

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