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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama And Lincon but with out the Teleprompter

There is no question that President Obama is an accomplished orator. As a candidate for president he inspired millions, thrilled young ladies and even sent chills up the legs of seasoned pundits. He was compared to past great orators like Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. But are his oratory skills over estemated?

Obama's oratory skills have often been compared with Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was noted for the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates. These debates would last for hours and Lincoln didn't have the benefit of speechwriters. Debaters back then depended upon their knowledge of the subject.

More than a hundred years after the Lincoln-Douglas debates technology provided the speechgiver a valuable aid. The modern teleprompter came into use in the 1980's. The teleprompter is the mostly transparent glass panel that you see on the left and right of lectern. The text of the speech is projected on the panels so the speechgiver can read the text while it appears that they are looking at the audience.

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